Michael Ziemlak is the Founder, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Senior Executive Director of Chosen Generation. He is a born again believer of Jesus Christ and has been saved by the grace and love of Jesus Christ since June 2004. He was Born on August 17, 1971 in the city of Pittsfield in the state of Massachusetts. .He moved to the State of Florida in August of 2017 where he currently resides. He has a bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Sociology from Massachusetts College of Liberal located in North Adams, Massachusetts. He is planning to pursue to take courses online towards two certificates in both children and youth ministries. He has 21 years of experiences working with a diverse group of children and youth and has 11 years of serving in both children and youth Christian ministries.  He has developed, planned, organized, directed and lead various events children and youth attended and fundraising events to raise funds for various groups of children and youth he served with. He also had developed and lead new youth development and youth leadership programs and new children ministries and was the director of a church a VBS.  he was worked as mentor and caregiver to children and youth and has also worked with abused and selected children and youth and young people with various disabilities as well.  As a teenager he as a victim of bullying and speaks about his experience of being bullied to teenagers.  His calling and purpose that comes from the Lord he discovered was confirmed by the Lord shortly after he gave his life over to the Lord in 2004 and by serving in both children and youth church ministers. His spiritual gifts are leadership, evangelism, teaching, prophecy , discernment of spirits and speaking tongues and mercy.  He has gift of public and motivational speaking and preaching the word of God to young people.  His Contact info:  email chosengenerationchildyouthmin@aol.com  or by cell or WhatsApp4075519351